You already have all the keys because all the solutions and resources are in you !
Like any of us, you are unique ! You need to find by yourself your own answers !
As coach, we will help you to find these answers.
A global approach
Because human being are complex, we will work together on all the differents facets of your issues, taking into consideration the globality of your environment. What is at stake for you is usually quite complex with multiple and intricated dimensions, which are at the same time intimate, personnal, relational or professional.
A partner approach
You will be the one doing the work, because you are the expert of yourself.
Your coach is helping you in finding yourself your own solutions, those which answer your needs at best.
We are here to make a diagnostic of your situation, to establish a work plan and to accompany you in your journey. Our work will be permanently refined depending on your evolution and your immediate or future needs.

"What you are missing, search for it in what you already have"
Koan Zen
You will be able to :
take one step back,
sort things out,
find your breath, find or increase your confidence,
develop your autonomy,
find yourself in a position in which you will be able to make the right choices.
Depending on your needs we will work on :
the knowledge of yourself,
your positioning and identity, your personal values,
your self esteem, your confidence and your autonomy,
your competencies, knowledge an behaviour,
your current and future career path.
Our work is not based on standard solutions :
we define together the goals you would like to reach,
w use the tools which are the most adapted to you need for the sort, medium and long term,
we evoluate by adapting ourselves to the situation and create the necessary tools along the progress of the work,
we build together.